outtamyhead sometimes it all comes outtamyhead, and sometimes i'm just outtamyhead. period. i guess i started this journal thingy out of boredom at a job i used to have. i stay here because i've come to know and love some of the people i've "met". you know who you are!!! |
Read/Post Comments (2) live simply so that others may simply live |
2006-09-27 5:29 PM woooohoooooooooo!!! i am in the final stages of preparation to go to my retreat this weekend. and do i need it!!! i've met only one of these women in person. she lost her husband on aug 4 and she lives in elizabethton tennessee so i was able to go for the memorial service. but i have had a year to get acquainted with them online and they are the sweetest most loveable bunch of girls!!! i know i used to think that christians in general probably didn't have a lot of fun, but i have been proven wrong. i guess i had to give them a chance, huh??? we all have our issues. i have learned that many christians in general just have more hope while going thru the trials life throws at us. they are encouraging and funny and loving and i consider myself fortunate to be part of the group.
if you wanna check them out it's www.ruthministries.com. we're not a perfect group by any means. it's just nice to have a whole bunch of "sisters" to run to when it seems there's no one else who understands. and even if they don't "get it" - whatever the particular situation is, they'll love ya thru it regardless. anyhoo, there's still packing to be done and last minute details to arrange. i'm hoping it doesn't rain on the trip down and back, but it's supposed to storm in the morning. at least i'll be in my hubby's car. i feel safer in it. it's bigger and wider than mine, so even if it doesn't, i feel like it holds the road better. and how i feel makes it my reality, and that's what matters!!! i dropped my mother off at her friend's house for the last time this year. woot!!! "free at last, free at last, praise God almighty i'm free at last!!!" sorry, she's just so mean. she's on her way to canada tomorrow morning. i could literally feel my stomach un-knotting as i drove away. and my daughter said "i hope i never act like that once i have kids. she's just not fun to be around". clear as mud??? i'm sure i'll have some great photos to share once i get back. hold down the fort while i'm gone and i hope you all have a great weekend. Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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