outtamyhead sometimes it all comes outtamyhead, and sometimes i'm just outtamyhead. period. i guess i started this journal thingy out of boredom at a job i used to have. i stay here because i've come to know and love some of the people i've "met". you know who you are!!! |
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2007-01-02 11:21 AM resolutions... jillsusan made a post recently about 10 things we can do to go greener. it was an automatic "ok" for me as a new year's resolution that i can keep. most things i am already doing, or at least conscious of trying to do.
yesterday i turned the heat down by a whopping 10 degrees. the weather here in ky had been quite warm by december/january standards, and then yesterday it cooled way down. i'm not quite sure the family is liking it. my hubby is all for it, not only as a help to the environment, but also as a help to the wallet. my daughter doesn't seem to even notice or it's not bothering her. she tends to be a bit hot blooded. my son has noticed, but has put on some more clothes when he's gotten cold. and my brother, i think he's freezing, but hasn't yet layered on any extra warmth in the way of clothing. our bedrooms are the warmest areas of the house. i've always loved sleeping in a cool bedroom, so this is wonderful. pile on the quilts and blankies!!! it's actually the first time this winter i've needed an extra quilt. menopause, you know??? this morning hubby took his shower, came out and threw on his boxers and went running back to the bathroom. in my startled half sleep state (having just killed johnny!!) i asked what was wrong, why was he running? i'm freezing was his reply! ha! that'll get em up and moving quick!!! i remember reenie posting that she felt some satisfaction at seeing her breath as she went for her coffee one morning. i doubt it'll come to that around here. i may have a mutiny on my hands if so. then again, there's a couple of folks here who need to get moved out and into their own place. in the dark recesses of my mind, is it perhaps, not only saving the planet and some money, but also a gentle nudge to get said folks moving along??? literally moving along??? with this mind, anything is possible these days. Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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