outtamyhead sometimes it all comes outtamyhead, and sometimes i'm just outtamyhead. period. i guess i started this journal thingy out of boredom at a job i used to have. i stay here because i've come to know and love some of the people i've "met". you know who you are!!! |
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2007-04-21 1:14 PM recovering... not much going on today, and that's good. i need the recovery time from yesterday.
**** my son did not go to keeneland with me. i doubted he would, even tho he told me all week he was going. he had worked 3rd shift and was a bit sleepy, so after gettin showered and dressed and with no place to go, i went by myself. first i went for a pedicure. my daughter is going to be mad. she loves them too, but the $30 lasts about 3 days for her. she's rough on her toes i guess, and even tho we do it occasionally for her, i just can't see wasting the money. they last for at least a month on me. my toe color for the last 10 years (when i'm paying someone to do it anyway) has been cajun shrimp. it's a bright orangey-reddish color that i love and i've never found anything else i like better. besides, i started getting pedicures at a time in my life when i was on my own and making enough money to take care of things financially, so i guess it represents some sort of independence for me. strange, isn't it, the things we associate with different times in our lives??? **** i stayed at keeneland for about 5 races and only cashed one ticket. still, it was nice to be out in the sun, having a few beers and chatting with strangers. apparently the new style for the young ladies this season is sundresses, with ample cleavage showing. ah, youth...yeah, i might be a tad jealous of their firm figures, but would i go back and do all THAT again??? i don't think so...once was more than enough, thankyouverymuch!!! **** our guy at work turns 30 today, so a few of us got together at a bar next door to work last night for martinis and food. it was fun. he's entertaining, at the very least. he's known as the "metrosexual" altho i'm not entirely sure what that means. can anybody clue me in??? **** my dh has taken his brother grocery shopping, and he's coming over tonight for a cook out and to play some cornhole, altho i suspect they both think it's a redneck beer swilling game, and i suppose it is, but hey, it's something to do outside, huh??? **** so that's it. i'm cooking and cleaning and saying "hey" and not much else today. is it happy hour yet??? xoxo Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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