outtamyhead sometimes it all comes outtamyhead, and sometimes i'm just outtamyhead. period. i guess i started this journal thingy out of boredom at a job i used to have. i stay here because i've come to know and love some of the people i've "met". you know who you are!!! |
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2007-06-05 10:23 PM i have 38 minutes because someone didn't plug in my laptop when she finished with it.
it's just been that kind of day. **** a few high and/or low-lights from the past few days, depending on how you look at it: *my sister who is going thru the divorce has had a boyfriend since at least april 23. i know because she showed me a very sexually explicit text message from him sent on that date. i think she was too drunk to realize it was displaying the date. but then again i don't think she really cares. so yes, daddy was right on that one. he suspected all along, and i sorta wondered too. she moved out of their house into her own condo on may 1. *mother and her bitch friend and my crazy but sweet aunt invited themselves to mine and my sister and my friend's girl's night dinner last night. i would've had that 6th margarita but i thought 5 was plenty, huh??? *i had my root canal tooth permanently filled yesterday. no numbing. it didn't hurt, really, but the cavity he found and filled afterward ain't feeling too good. again, no numbing. he said the shot was like a nail being driven through your upper lip into your nose, so i opted for no numbing. it was a tiny one that even i had noticed, and it wasn't that bad, but it's sore as hell now. it's close to the gumline. thank you sissy for the xanax i took before i went to the dentist!!!!!! (and for the good idea, netter!!!!) *had another association meeting tonight, and yes, there will be an assessment done in july. there's about 160 units and they need at least $75,000 - $100,000 so you do the math and see how much it'll cost us. bastards. i, however, have plans of my own. an anonymous letter is required to get the rest of the 140 homeowners off their asses to get some things done around here, and i'm just the girl to type said letter. actually i have another cohort who is going to help me on this one. it's quite fun to think about - slinking around the hallways in the dark of night, leaving said letter on all the doorstops. and if questions arise as to the origins of the letter, i will happily take credit for it. it's very coincidental, however, that those few homeowners involved in the association meetings are being "targeted" by certain board members in certain ways. just a coincidence, you know. i don't have any proof, mind you. but i'll get some. you know i will. one of the good ol boys tonight actually told a lady to "shut up and i'll explain" when she asked a question. well now, you can imagine that didn't set well with me and a few others and we immediately let him know. he "begged our pardons" altho i'm not sure he even knows what that means. dumbass bastard good ol boy. and i don't mean good ol boy in a cute kentucky truck driving redneck kind of way. i mean good ol boy as in old fuck who's either gonna get dragged into the 21st century or knocked back into his own time zone. *and last, but not least (and speaking of old fashioned men), again with the husband waiting on me to wait on him. whassup with that??? i know, i'm tired (too much partying with my sister - my bad - bygones) and bitchy and shouldn't even bring it up - except, instead of making sure first thing tonight that we were all safe from the bad storms moving in, he immediately pointed out that katherine had left the front door unlocked when her sort-of stepmom came to rescue her from the tornado-inducing storms we had while i was at work. since she's now 12 we're letting her stay home a few hours on her own. her dad's girlfriend works at her mother's restaurant which is next door to our complex so she's a literal minute away if she needs her. these storms blew in big and nasty, and she was scared and panicked when she left, so i think locking the door was not foremost on her mind. but yes, honey, we're both safe, thanks for (not) asking. hence the bitchrant about the husband. again. gawd. there's more, i'm sure. but i can't think what right now. enough is more than enough, huh??? besides, i gotta go get plugged in. xoxo Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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