outtamyhead sometimes it all comes outtamyhead, and sometimes i'm just outtamyhead. period. i guess i started this journal thingy out of boredom at a job i used to have. i stay here because i've come to know and love some of the people i've "met". you know who you are!!! |
Read/Post Comments (6) live simply so that others may simply live |
2007-07-05 10:18 PM did you lose something???? so the car alarm keeps going off at odd times. and tonight i came in to find a big pile of doggie doo in my husband's parking spot. strategically placed right where he'd almost have to run over it with a wheel to get the car properly parked. and he did.
we're laughing at this point. i didn't know we had such power!!! i mean really, for someone to actually place dogshit in a particular place just to what??? piss us off? prove something??? are we supposed to be scared of dogshit and back off trying to unseat the jackasses on the board of directors??? i may never be able to walk my dog again. "the poo!!! oh my god the poo!!! i'm scared of the pooooooooo!!!!!!!!! arghhhhhhhh!!!" yeah, well, they can just BITE ME!!!!!! ***** i got two more houses to clean this week. i did one on tuesday - about 6000 sq ft in one of the executive neighborhoods in this town. big whoop. the lady wanted the whole thing done, which would have taken all day (literally) but she obviously didn't want to pay me to stay all day. sorry. big house takes a lot of maintenance (or like us poor slobs, do it yourself!!!) prima dona. wonder why she can't keep good help??? they have 6 bathrooms!!!! and the 2 daughters are away in college so it's just her and her hubby. i just don't understand this whole deal about having a gargantuan house that's never used. and the hubby seems to reside in one of the girl's bedrooms from the looks of things. i dunno, i don't think i'd want to hang out with that lady either. today i cleaned one out in the country. it's big, about 3500 sq ft, but sooooo kewl. it's open and breezy (no air conditioner) with huge windows and french doors. it's all lofts and nooks and crannies here and there. they have a brick floor in the kitchen and one of the sitting areas. it's not at all austentatious - very homey and warm and lived in. and it's on 40 acres. i fell in love with it. they also have dogs and cats and horses and a goat!!! there's a lady about my age (almost 45), her husband (he's quite a lot older methinks) and their 2 sons who are 5 and 2. they are the sweetest family. very earthy and friendly. and she very sweetly handed me a check for 7 hours work and thanked me so much for coming and made sure i'd be back week after next. it's a pleasure cleaning for people who appreciate it and act like it. but it k-i-c-k-e-d my a-s-s!!!!!! ***** we are letting my son stay here for a while. i know, i know. he and his roomie found his roomie's dad shooting up morphine last week and the roomie went off on his dad. he has a job which he started last night. it's at a restaurant right down the street. we'll see what happens. can ya send some positive thoughts his way please??? us moms never quit hoping for the best, ya know??? speaking of my firstborn, he'll be 21 on monday next. netter's post about her children when they were little reminded me so much of mine and brought back soooo many memories. i'm not gonna go there tonight. i'm sure the tears will be flowing soon enough. what is it about these milestone birthdays my kids have? my mom always said it made her sad cuz it made her feel so old. my tears come from so many happy memories. how i wish i could keep them small and safe and with me always. not. going. there. tonight. ***** ok, i'm better now. ***** i think i'll get ready to turn in. but before i go, does anyone else think the only thing remotely scary about the da vinci code movie is tom hanks' hair??? i do love him so, but what was up with that??? hee hee hee xoxo Read/Post Comments (6) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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