outtamyhead sometimes it all comes outtamyhead, and sometimes i'm just outtamyhead. period. i guess i started this journal thingy out of boredom at a job i used to have. i stay here because i've come to know and love some of the people i've "met". you know who you are!!! |
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2007-08-29 7:27 AM i've been impeached after exactly 2 weeks in office. that's gotta be a record.
i told ya i wasn't good at politics. it's gotta be kismit. after 5 meetings in the last week (2 with an attorney - ugh), too many phone calls to count, and numerous meetings with homeowners, i gotta tell ya, this makes me happy. apparently, one of the assholes i made a motion to unseat checked public records and found out that dave didn't add my name to the deed after we were married. therefore, legally, i cannot be on the board of directors here. i went to a meeting with the attorney last night along with 3 other board members. i was going to decide if i wanted to continue pursuing this whole thing. i told dave when i got home that i'd give them the rest of the week to get something done and if they didn't, i was outta there. the board president is very wishy washy about all this stuff, and i'm not going to be on a sinking ship. ultimately, she has to make all the decisions about what we do or don't do, and she's not doing anything one way or the other except vascillating back and forth, and time is of the essence for many different reasons. now that i'm no longer vp, i can still help with the investigation, but we'll see if anything gets done. this thing is taking lots of time, which means lots of time away from my family which i don't like. my phone rings at least 10 times a day from homeowners and board members, and i'm spending countless hours meeting with these folks and typing up notes when i am at home. it's getting to be too much. especially if the board president isn't doing what she's supposed to be doing. dave can still add me to the deed, but we're gonna hold off on that for now. i know, i'm taking the easy way out. i don't think this whole board thing is healthy for me. i've spent years trying to rid my life of drama, and it's consuming me now. heart pounding, can't sleep, can't breath, all that good stuff. i did manage to get a few valium, so that's helping, but damn if i want to have to take drugs over a bunch of people who bitch and complain and don't do anything to rectify the problem when the opportunity arises. ok, rant over. i've not had a minute to spare lately, and my son deleted some things on the computer again, so my comments aren't posting when i've had the chance. now that i know what he's done i know how to fix it. we found out he's erasing his history cuz he's looking at porn, and since katherine uses this computer as well, well, you get the point. *sigh* ok, i gotta run. i have 2 houses to clean today (making up one from last week when i took my son to the emergency room). i'll be glad when this week is over. xoxo Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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