outtamyhead sometimes it all comes outtamyhead, and sometimes i'm just outtamyhead. period. i guess i started this journal thingy out of boredom at a job i used to have. i stay here because i've come to know and love some of the people i've "met". you know who you are!!! |
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2007-09-05 7:54 PM "excuse me ma'am, i know i'm black, but... i'm not gonna hurt you. can you tell me what time it is???"
this is what a woman said to me tonight as i walked out of the drug store. i said "i'm not concerned about what color you are ma'am. it's 7:23" and i felt like adding "what concerns me is that you're acting strange in general. she had these realllllyyyyyyyyy long hair extensions, and while in the drug store she was trying on sunglasses. every time she'd take a pair off she'd get them tangled in all that fake hair, then start almost yelling, grunting and groaning, then flip her head upside down and start shaking her fake hair around running her fingers through it. i guess everybody's gotta be somewhere, eh? or, as one of my old boyfriends used to say "there's an ass for every seat". how true it is. **** i cleaned for miss margaret today. she's the 80 year old lady i love so much. she told me about some good buys at big lots, so i went and found the cutest little plastic tumblers with bright red flower blooms on them for $.50 each. they'll even match my new kitchen, if and when i ever get it, cuz i'm gonna do it in reds. **** daddy bought me a lottery ticket tonight, as well as a couple of his own. he even marked a "b" on the back of mine and said if i win i don't have to pay him back the dollar, but i do have to split the money with my sister. bah. it's only 10 million. what's to split??? he also said that if he wins on his tickets he doesn't have to give anybody a damn penny, then he laughed and said he'd give it all to us except for a couple hundred bucks a week. and he would do it too. like i'm even concerned about it. apparently, i haven't payed it forward enough in my lifetime to have the good karma coming back around on me. yet. i'm working on it, tho. yes i am. **** closed board meeting last night. same shit, different day. one of the guys we're trying to get rid of put out a letter yesterday trying to cover his ass and a bunch of other bullshit that doesn't concern me in the least. my neighbors begged me to wait 2 more weeks to quit lest it look like i was running scared, since he named me in the letter as the head of the "conspiracy". oooooooooo - i didn't know i had such power!!! so there's another meeting tomorrow evening with the irs dude and the attorney that i'll attend, then i'll quit at the next open board meeting so that i can tell all the residents (of the whopping number of 20 who care enough to show up) why i'm quitting. i'm SO done with it all already. kind of like when you've gotten a much better job with more pay but you still have to give a two week notice and wait it out...? suckage. meanwhile, the phone keeps ringing, and i'm not answering... **** more dreams driving me crazy. oh, sorry. crazy-er!!! (can i at least get a good sex dream? one? just one please???) i'm concerned for loved ones in places i can't get to, or can't get to quick enough, or can't afford the time or money to get there. and just general crap rolling around in my head that i wish would GO AWAY!!! yep, it's those damn little rodents again. the little buggers are ubiquitous, huh??? **** i'll close on a bright note. my son and i were talking today about alternative lifestyles. not the lesbian/gay thing, altho there's nothing wrong with that. it just wasn't the topic today. he hates "the man", ya know, taxes, working your butt off for little money, and for what? he has no ambition to make a lot of money and live in the burbs and drive an expensive car and do all that stuff that is so normal these days. he wants to be able to go out and live in the country or the forest or the mountains or some such thing. fine by me. in fact, i'd be a bit jealous if he actually does. anyhoo, i told him there are several websites about "communal living" type places right here in ky and he's going to check them out. we may even take a trip or two and go have a look see. somewhere in the conversation he told me that he'd have been better off if i had just dropped him off in the forest when he was twelve and let him forage for himself. i took that to mean that i hadn't done a good job as a mother, that he may as well have been raised by wolves for all the good i'd done him, and i told him this. he said "no, mom. i love my life. i've had a great life so far and you're a wonderful mom. i would just liked to have learned how to live off the land." wow. surprised the helloutta me. i know he loves me, and yeah, i know we've had and still do have our differences, but still...i had no idea he was that happy. maybe he should've stayed in the boy scouts program... **** i hope that all my loved ones are so happy tonight. peace, love and *patchouli* hugs to all. Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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