outtamyhead sometimes it all comes outtamyhead, and sometimes i'm just outtamyhead. period. i guess i started this journal thingy out of boredom at a job i used to have. i stay here because i've come to know and love some of the people i've "met". you know who you are!!! |
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2007-09-05 9:38 PM passive-aggressive...who, me??? hmmm, i might be over that whole co-dependent thing too.
remember my brother who stayed here for 3 months last winter? he's still in town and has had i don't know how many jobs since march. some he quit (worked with assholes), some he got fired from ("dude, that's not part of my job"), some he never even really got because he couldn't pass the drug test. he's lurked around a bit when he's been in need of something. sugar, coffee, cigarette money, etc. but he's only been around when he's needed something. i've given it to him cuz it's easier to just give it and then he goes away quicker. he came over last night and asked me if i knew of any place that bought dvd's. i told him the name of a place and where it was located. tonight i got an email from him. he couldn't remember the name of the place and would i phone them and make sure they were still there and still buying dvd's and so forth so that he didn't waste gas money driving over there. since then, i've gotten 2 more emails (he can't call cuz he's out of minutes on his phone) about when i'm going to email him this information because he needs bread and cigarettes and he's afraid they will close tonight and he won't get there in time. i've had it. i have more than enough to do with daily life in general, plus taking care of mom's business for her, which i haven't even completed, without my 48 year old brother bugging the piss out of me cuz he can't/won't take care of himself. my reply to his email is: "yes, i do in fact have a million things to do. and everyday the things that i didn't get done that day pile up to the next day, and so it goes. how bout this??? how bout you look it up on the internet for yourself? the fact that you don't have bread or cigarettes is not my problem. the fact that you don't have a job is not my problem. the fact that you can't or won't quit smoking pot long enough to get a decent job is not my problem. the fact that you can't get along with anyone you work for or with is not my problem. the fact that you stayed here for 3 months or more, complained and harrassed me constantly about what i did or did not cook and how i did or did not cook it to suit you is actually not my problem either. the fact that i do have a job, a family, and a million other things to get done is my problem. and i don't even have enough time to get those problems resolved. you are 48 years old. don't you think it's time you started taking care of and depending on yourself??? i have more than enough to take care of myself." i guess this makes me one mean bitch. Read/Post Comments (4) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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