outtamyhead sometimes it all comes outtamyhead, and sometimes i'm just outtamyhead. period. i guess i started this journal thingy out of boredom at a job i used to have. i stay here because i've come to know and love some of the people i've "met". you know who you are!!! |
Read/Post Comments (3) live simply so that others may simply live |
2007-11-13 5:36 AM early mornings seems i can't sleep past 4. i think it's the universe's way of helping me to catch up with people i've not been able to contact lately.
i wish the universe would show me a way to do that when it's not what i consider to be "sleeping" time. oh well, whaddya do, ya know? i'm looking for a new job. i have to have some benefits, and i don't expect my husband to continue to pay for all that now that we're separated. i went over to talk to him on sunday afternoon. could you spare a kind thought for him? he's not doing well. i don't hate him or anything, and don't wish him any ill. i'd like him to be ok, but he's not right now and i hate that. he's extremely depressed, so say the 3 doctors he's seeing. they've put him on medication and i guess he's really trying to get himself together. it's just a sad situation. i have to take my car in to the insurance adjuster's office and the dealership today. i need an estimate from the fender bender i had a couple of weeks ago, and the brakes or rotors or struts or something have been acting up, so i kinda hafta get those fixed. (thank you, daddy!!!) i don't like it when the car won't start, but i hate it even more when it won't stop. i also have to get a new cell phone. i dropped mine again sunday morning and it really died this time. won't even turn on. such is my life. i've been using my daughter's, and she's sweet about it, but i don't want to do that for long, even tho i pay for it. it also doesn't have all my numbers in it, and i can't call certain peeps cuz i don't have those numbers written down anywhere. hmmm...might be a good time to make record of that, huh? it's funny, when i was at home with my husband, i remember the days dragging by, passing so slowly, i think because i was waiting for something good to happen, which never came. now that i'm here at angel's house, it seems as if the time passes way too fast. there's always something fun going on - with 5 females in the house, how could there not be? - and there's never enough time to get everything done that we want. that's kind of nice, tho. it continually challenges us to strive for our goals. apparently we're going to start dragging out christmas decorations this weekend. not decorating, mind you, just sorting and planning. geesh. my dad already asked us to come over and do his tree this weekend. ummm...no, don't think so, dad. too early, altho we'll be glad to help later. like after thanksgiving later. later, my peeps. hugs and love, people. Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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