design with a side of dialogue
what I think about what I make

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and the beat goes on...
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The work thing is really bothering me. They have taken away almost all of the projects I liked and moved them to the corporate office. The plan is to move the company to an exchange server dependent stance. That is unless you are a developer on linux, in which case you are out of luck. All these changes are happening at small degrees so no one is really noticing it in this office but me. And I have no one to tell this to since they moved me from my previous boss to an extend branch of the org chart into pittsburgh.

In short, we are going down in flames. Shreek Shreek Scream. Or its just me. It must be just me, because this is probably a very decent job for someone who likes to be an office manager. I, on the other hand tolerate managing the office until I can get back to the main thing. The art is the thing.


So I've found out that my last name means "baker of roof tiles" in Frisian. That is a big accomplishment, considering that up until a few weeks ago I had no idea what "Formsma" meant. I come from a family of tile bakers. I provide shelter for your scrawny ass.

I win. :P

The story conversation last night went very well and we are about to embark on our first dialogue/storyboard layout. I went home and drew for a few hours afterwards...My style is not a comic book style. That's going to be an interesting hurdle. Oh, and I need reference photos. now.

Other than that, I've got something that looks like a drawing game plan, and I might even have it completed by next week. I'm currently working on character visual sheets. This includes a frontal view, a side view, and hopefully some facial expressions and maybe even some action movements. I think right now I plan to do 3 - 4 characters by next week, so we have something to look at.

I'm working strickly in pencil right now, but if I feel experimental, I may break out the pen and ink and give that a shot. All in all, its much more interesting than my assignments for class, which include 1 poster, 1 illustration, and a split script.

Its all a balancing act I'm getting sick of.

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