design with a side of dialogue
what I think about what I make

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Ah...Friday. Though my work is stacking up, I feel a sense of anticipation, which, according to my Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, is the best thing to happen to me. In theory, you can put an INFJ gagged and restained in a closet with the door cracked and they would be perfectly content. It's the *possibility* of release. Happiness is just around the corner, I just know it. </infj>

The Graphic Media class last night went pretty good considering I was an hour late. It's always good when your work provokes an unbidden exclimation from your teachers. I would say that it was a successful commercial. <rawr> Wouldn't it be great if that was actually proof that I'm good at this advertising business and will succeed? read: play

I just have this nagging feeling that I will be only average at many things, instead of perfect at a few. This is a common refrain for me. I think a lot of it stems from the fact that I'm a private intuitive person. I mean that even if I could tell you what I was thinking, I wouldn't want to anyway. It's one of the reasons that psychology is an approach/avoid topic for me. It exposes too much of my internal neurocies but its so helpful for understanding other people. ;) </evil cat>

I also wanted to state that I must always remember I did not start on this creative path to succeed. I am here only to do my best. I must have humility. This is not the way to immortality.

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