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hindsight is a cruel mistress
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So, its been awhile. Things are going okay. I've started talking to people again and I've stopped spitting bile at people when they come into my office. (A plus I know) I've applied for a internal lateral promotion that will hopefully not suck and more importantly keep the rabble at bay. If I'm lucky maybe all the jerks will quit the company and I will be able to let my arrogance and self-righteousness run rampant. yay!
</mongul>, I'm still working. I've found the joy of painting miniatures. That has been a lot of fun. Very absorbing. Could easily sit and do it for too long. Really. Intense.

I still have to solve sigourney weaver. I've got to illustrate her in T-4 days and I'm still not sure what to concentrate on. I think I'm reading too much into her, or more to the point I want her to be my latin teacher and she isn't. I want to talk about how she picks these strong female lead parts as well as how she is now trying to "pose" as these more "girly" roles. Just not sure what to think about sigourney....hurm.

I've got the opportunity to get a refresher's course in Latin, in Jan. I'm trying to decide if:
a) it is bad to ask for time off after you ask for a promotion
b) am I so whacked that I don't remember what its like to think latin.

Dead languages have that effect on you. The longer you are away from them, the easier they seem.

hindsight is a cruel mistress.

Oh, and I just have to teach myself sql and perl and I qualify for the promotion. I think I think I can learn it.

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