design with a side of dialogue
what I think about what I make

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So i've been looking forward to writing in this journal all day and now I don't really have anything to say. Last night sucked, but I guess its worth it (or at least doesn't matter anymore) now that its over. [read: up too late drawing something that wasn't due until the next week]

So I thought of a great photography show I'd like to do sometime in my life. I'd like to do a whole gallery of people yawning. I realized this morning that that would be a great statement. Think of it - all these different type of people with their mouths wide open, looking dopey. I came up with a really devious way to get the pictures too. Just keep yawning around people...eventually they start yawning too!


I'd do it all in black and white.

Speaking of which, I've put a bid on ebay for my favorite digital camera. I feel moderately guilty about it, but my consumer bug has got me in its clutches so I have to have! (I like to be liked /peter gabrial) I'm hoping to just get in the habit of carrying it with me all the time and just take a bunch of pictures as I see them. I've never had the bravery to be a photographer. But i've noticed I'm *much* more likely to take a video or digital picture becuase I can see the end product right there and if I don't like it, I take it again. I'm actually hoping to pick up a copy stand as well. I use to do it at the media center and it was very relaxing. I'm hoping this set will replace the need for a scanner while being more moble. Great ideas as always, but what will it look like in reality?

So I'm also doing an ad campaign for cafe press as one of my other projects. (shh...its an educational project, not an actual ad campaign) I just think they have a really neat idea. [read: selling t-shirts] I've toyed with the idea of submitting a bunch of my ideas and see if they would sell. (it can only end in tears)

thats it. I'm out of here.

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