design with a side of dialogue
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So, I lied. I'm waiting here in the computer lab for something to print out and thinking, "why the hell am I in school again?"


what a waste of time.

so I found out i didn't get the internal job today. Which to me is okay. I'm pretty happy with the situation as it is, I'm glad I don't have to worry about change.

We also put in the credit app for the apartment on Observatory Hill. If all goes well we will be out of our current place by jan 1. hurray! no more neighbors stealing my trash cans! no more small town gossip! hurray!

I know I should be thinking about the holidays but I can't seem to get up enough steam to even care about it. I think I would be completely happy to spend my break packing and getting ready to move than getting a tree, celebrating the beginning of the year, etc. Advent use to be one of my favorite religious seasons, but the last few years have been so dreary. No snow. No rebirth. Just the fall we never had.

Oh, and I did get an A out of john finally so I'm willing to talk to him again! :) I'm such a petty bastard.


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