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god stop the commute
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Still down. Still no connectivity. No word about the apartment. No one contacted concerning our credit report. Nothing on tv. No plans. No money. no life.

NOTHING is going on.

I bet if i read my horoscope today it would say : " you are anxious and tired of spinning your wheels. but don't worry, change is just around the bend. "

Horoscopes are dumb that way.

I was actually suppose to have dinner tonight with DW, but she bailed, so I'm now doing thai with the J's and guru.

I'm about half way through my storyboard for graphic media, it's just a matter of sitting still for 9 more hours and completing it. I've found the may storyboarding takes about 1 hour per frame to complete to get the amount of detail she is lookign for. Feh. It's okay once I get started, but then it's hard to turn off. I jsut about went off the road last night because of a great idea for a mpeg. I've also caught myself taking the road a part by color planes, light sources, and textures.

I have got to stop commuting.

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