design with a side of dialogue
what I think about what I make

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Got a really glowing review today from my world lit. prof on my hunchback paper. It is being kept to become a "shining star of [his] archive."


It was much more than I expected, but I'm glad he liked it. I felt strongly about my arguments, but had a hard time slowing down long enough to "make the english." I hate writing...most of the time.

Tomorrow I'm showing my "pre-portfolio" to the Dir of Graphic Design to try and scare up some freelance work. (will pick out the pieces directly.) I'm not exactly nervous, but I'm not really clear what I should bring. If I thought my work fit into a category somewhere, I would be presenting it directly to a job board or something. Hopefully she can help. Don't ask me when I'd be working on these items, I'm sure that I can sleep and design at the same time. :P

So, it looks like I will be taking 4 classes next quarter, and then another in Summer to finish off my associates. Its the age old story of the required course is not offered at this time. I don't mind too much (though the money will be interesting...) because I was able to slip a dreamweaver class in as an elective. woot.

Work is god will it never end. It was so nice out today that I had a hard time staying inside. I actually went for a walk on my lunch, though it was more for the exercise than the fresh air. I enjoy walking in the park near the house more.

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