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wontons of glee
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So, I got CS Lewis back last night and I still think it turned out pretty good, though it does give you the impression that it isn't exactly right, if that makes sense. I won't pick it a part here, but overall I'm happy with it, and am willing to overlook the problems.

Still haven't gotten my self promo back yet. I've got a few more ideas concerning the cover, but I don't want to print another batch until I'm sure the printed aspects are ... I don't know, finalized? The printed stuff turned out as sweet as I had hoped, the construction stuff sort of fell flat. This reinforces to me that I am a 2D media person only!

So, I'm in the negotiation stage of getting the internship. I'm talking to Financial Aid, the Registrar, my boss, and the Graphic Design Director to try and work out some way that I can do an internship. My favorite suggestion so far is to borrow against my vacation days for next year. So borrow 11 vacation days and take Friday off to go work for some graphic folks. My "vacation clock" flips over in June, and that is when the internship would end anyway, I just don't have 11 days right now. It also means there would be less family vacation time for christmas, but you know, this internship is more important (and involves less traveling) I just love the idea of wb paying for me to work for someone else. that just has a nugget of glee wrapped up like a wonton. :)

Guru is in the home stretch for his thesis. He has 10 days to complete 45 pages for the 1st draft. If he misses this, then we start looking at options other than graduation in Spring. That's not a bad thing, but I was looking forward (and I think he might be too) to finishing with TESM, so he can move on to the next field of study. It's not a bad school, but I don't think it is the right mode of teaching for him, so he does worse because he doesn't have the "pressure boiler" type classes that K had. These people are too "nice" and "easy-going."

Where's Gina when you need her?

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