design with a side of dialogue
what I think about what I make

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...cause that's the only reason I write. I am only an ethereal web critter that twists and turns in minorly interesting, yet unsophisticated ways.

to your benefit or your detriment it matters not.

*purse lips*

so i wrote my first invoice today.


I hope I didn't ask too much.


or to little.


I hate putting a value on my work. its silly and pointless. One silly and pointless logo design, going cheap. This is why people in my position get agents. Even if they take a percentage, you need someone there to put value on your work. I can totally appreciate that relationship.

talked to colin last night, and he gave me a couple of ideas of where to look for work. He also suggested that I haul my portfolio into order, and join the AIGA. Apparently the market is good *outside* pgh for graphic designers who understand the web and can design for it. So like web designers who are coming out of a graphic design background. It's kind of wierd to thing that there are only 2 things holding us in pgh anymore - our lease and my classes. We had planned to be on the other side of the "how can we leave this city?" question.

Now what?

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