design with a side of dialogue
what I think about what I make

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Would that I could actually enjoy not working. It seems that I am on the brink of another snowball of work and I'm wavering about commiting myself. But - the converse is true - if I sit on my ass for 3 weeks and do nothing I will begin to become nervous. I just can't seem to leave the pressure cooker. :{

So - I have an offer on the table for a part time job (Not an Internship, HR was very specific about that) cataloging images for a big company in pgh. I would also be able to look over the shoulder of the designers, videographers, and webmasters for the summer, which would be the real benefit. I'd also get to work in this really spiffy building downtown. And what more, it pays. And they want me to start immediately. Why am I waiting?

I have one other interview friday - as well as elbow rubbing tomorrow with some of the design community. Out of sheer common sense I'm postponing the decision about option 1 until these things have passed. At some point I am also going to need to finish all the projects that are due next week too. It no longer feels like a vacation.

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