design with a side of dialogue
what I think about what I make

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$400 is the current tally for the printing bill for this portfolio -- so far. It's sad really. I didn't really have a choice though. I didn't expect to be able to get one in the house before monday.

I remember back when we had money. It's really sad that even after 5 years of managing our own accounts fairly well, we still have not learned the true value of a dollar. If we were forced to live on unemployment alone for a week, we would probably starve. I actually salute some of the moms I've known who feed not only themselves, but usually 1 or 2 kids on not much money. Well, I think we are going to be in debt for at least 5 years, while we are paying down student loans and credit cards. Too bad the lycos stock never panned out . :/

So today is full of the cropping and the mounting. I will also be working on my "category cards" to define what is what, and get it in order, etc. My colors didn't exactly come out the way I wanted them; I've got my home crappy printer calibrated to match my screen - they use to match kinko's phasor 780 as well, but it seems to have changed over the last couple of months. But I will be finished, by god, and that is a very great thing.

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