design with a side of dialogue
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thats a really big board.
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So - I called off work yesterday and stayed home fixing the portfolio. Finished around 5 pm - just enough time to shower and run off for the review itself. Got there, turned it in, started working on the homework that I didn't do for saterday's class which I missed. 2 hours later, I picked up my portfolio which got all A's. How anti-climatic. Somewhere in there I got to see my board. (8 ft x 4 ft triold thing) Thats a big board. I'm going to have to do some interesting matting to fill it. Actually, I think the portfolio show is more the burning man portion of graduation - you can do anything. Show anything. This will be the part I will fail. It is so reminiscent of my wedding reception it's not funny.

Um so - I could put some fabric on it...
maybe some paper...
Hm. Too late to spray paint.
Guess I really *can't* use the rip station at uss for this sort of thing.

So sometime tomorrow I will be hitting my favorite art store and picking up supplies. What makes this more interesting is I will be constructing the decor on site, in the morning, 2 hours beforehand. I might as well do it blindfolded to give it a real sense of drama.

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