design with a side of dialogue
what I think about what I make

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not for the squemish
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Christened with blood, my portfolio is now displaying at this very moment infront of some of the design community of pgh.

Assembly felt very much like an Iron Chef episode

Chairman: "The secret ingredient tonight is...(whips back curtin with flare) handmade paper !
Audience: OH...PAPER! (applause)
Announcer: "Usually used for package wrapping, handmade paper was invented in..."

I went from elements to presentation in 30 minutes. This included one "oops" where I knocked off all the work I had put up. The handmade paper works ok - though the colors aren't really working together, but I don't think it will matter. The audience will be seeing all sorts of colors together today - so my small clash shouldn't be too bad.

Also - I am not going to hell. I backdown from "playing the queen" -- I didn't include the live betta fish I bought last night. Just couldn't use another living creature as a display. I had intentions to though!

So we now have a buddy in the house - his name is Pothos, after the type of plant that live well by being ignored. I was actually walking around Petco last night with one of my business cards, color matching fish. So, he may actually wander onto the website at some point. - Hey every company needs a mascot. ;)

Now I eat lunch, dress and go play nice with people for a few hours.

Then, then, THEN

i am free.

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