design with a side of dialogue
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work notes #1
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Sounds: Films for Radio -- Over the Rhine

So exactly how does one leave one's mark on the world? Now that i'm done with all the grading and paperwork -- how exactly do I create something worthwhile?

What is worthwhile?

Why create more art ? Self-concious art. Self aware. Art that is a reaction not to the art in its past, but to the hype surrounding art in our modern society is poor quality art, IMO.

I'd say that I want to make the world a better place for the common good, but I really just want to leave the world marked. You always hope your mark will be good. You don't want to add to the suffering in the world - but you can't always control the way things go. Good intentions pave the way to hell.

There is also a difference between creating something worthwhile, and fixing something. I catch myself at a loss for straight creativity, but I often see things I could improve, rehaul, clean up, make better. This is not memorable art. But its what I do.

It has to be art. I don't have any other mode of communcation. It's not like I can write. If building a monument would work, I would do that. But I've got to work with what I've got.

I've also found that even though I hate what the media has become, I claim them as my own tribe/clan. They, at the root, are communicators, which is what I am. So I must claim their over exageration, hype, spin, and greed. There is a fundimental difference between reporters and writers.

And where is there room for god in all of this conceit?

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