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show me the 'lectrician! Still no regular DSL connectivity since the end of July! God. Now we are waiting on the electrian to look at the wires. If you hadn't guessed this is why my entries have dropped off almost to nothing over the last few months. This I'm even writing from work.

So I am once again at a cross roads. I just got offered another job opp. (this time webmastering) but I haven't really decided what I want to do about it. Just got off the plane from FL last night around midnight and took the morning off to relax, clean and try and beat the indians in civ iii. (come to my city, love my culture) I'm not sure what I want to do right now. Or rather, I want to do everything but need to prioritize. Almost none of it is so important that I need to dedicate all my time to it, but at the same time, none of it is so miscual that I would drop it cold. hrm.

The trip "back home" was uneventful -- I put on at least 4 lbs but it could have been worse. I'm now back on the straight and narrow. The unfortunate bit is that I've now relearned some bad eating habits that I'm going to have to work at kicking, again. Seeing the folks and nana was necessary in a fundimental part of me, but a bit too much socializing for an I like me. I was kind of a basketcase about 2 days into the trip.

Still have a lot to do to get back to normal (have to go pick up the fish at some point) but I'm happy to not have any more holidays looming into my future.

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