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steel city
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Context: home
Sounds: cars driving by on a wet road
Songs: n/a
Book: High Society
Film: Godzilla vs. Mecha King Gitra

Came home last night to the smell of gas. Apparently we had knocked one of the burners on yesterday morning, which had slowly filled the apartment with gas, just like in fight club. The house has now been aired, the kitchen over night, and there are only the random pocket of gas. (e.g. inside the fridge) Very exciting when you get home from a bar.

I'm now up at this ungodly hour to be able to go on a tour of the mon valley works. (steel mill and I believe coke) There was something about joining uss that has gotten me into all sorts of places that I've never had access to over the 5 years that I've lived here. I don't think I will ever be considered a native, (maybe my grandchildren would) but it really does seem to be who you know.

I'm happy to say the labs brochure is almost ready to go to print. This project has been going on since early septemeber, so I think we are all glad to see it almost complete. The cover to me, is the only thing that doesn't seem complete, but I can't put my fingure on why. It's pretty different than what I started with, but it's intensity has been modified by everyone's two cents. I think it will be ok -- I can't really back up from these suggestions at this point. The inside is working out nicely though.

Ok, off to get dressed and go see what all this steel is about.

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