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mission impossible
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Context: uss
Sounds: radiator, traffic
Songs: me playing, "Finale from Symphony No 2 in D major (Sibelius)
Book: On Strategy: A Critical analysis of the Vietnam War
Film: The Joy Luck Club

I can quit anytime I want. I wasn't going to post from work. I wasn't even going to visit js, but here I am, wasting time. I don't mean to be long, since I need to get back to the Big L, but its thankfully been a productive day at uss. I'm over what ever blue funk had me and I've been listening to music and working in illustrator since 8 this morning. I'm finishing up the last few images for the ueclabs brochure; the text changes went out to them last week. I've spent 2 hours fixing 1 curve. I finally broke down and went to get a cup of coffee (Java Government) from the coffee shop downstairs. Got to look out the big window, see that there is a world that is bright and sunny. Breath in breath out drink up.

As tj mentioned last night, I seem to be a drift these days-- though I have jobs, I have three of them for gods sake, I seem to be out to sea with no direction. As she said, no vocation. I can only agree -- its really a shame about the aip degree. I got it but now seem to be in no hurry to use it.

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