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Project: Code of Ethical Business Conduct
Patron: uss
Medium: illustrator 10, pagemaker 7.0
Status: Cover - eminant draft 2, inside at the copier writers
Deadline: Wednesday

Today was just surreal. The office was quiet since most people were home. This in turn made me work faster - though probably not very efficiently. I was bogged down in the 2nd draft of the coe cover this afternoon. [which incidently isn't right. Won't be right for many days, which doesn't matter, since it is time I don't have.]

I took about 4 ideas to the table when meeting with GL and LB. They went with the one I created in the 5 mintes before the meeting. Do you understand why I find myself encouraged to procrastinate?

Apparently I was being to cerbral again -- they chucked my brainy piece in favor of the disorganized one. (Though in their words - it intriqued them) So it goes. Sometimes I'm just too cute in my ideas. As in "don't do anything cute, just draw". Hrum.

The text is all but done. Probably some typos, etc, but that's not really my problem. I took the time and set up style sheets throught the document, so it should be very easy to change the format if needed. So now it's just a matter of working-over (or over-working) the graphics. The text was remincent of working on tesm's catalog. Got confused a few times trying to do things in pagemaker that you can only do in quark.

Project: Corporate Identity
Patron: zetaweb
Medium: illustrator 9.0
Status: Draft 2.0
Deadline: End of March

I'm surprised I didn't mention this earlier -- I started revamping the zetaweb logo, style guide, and corporate identity last week. I got a solid draft 1 of the logo done, with much approval from at least a 3rd of the company (or half of my audience).

Unfortunately, I've seemed to paint myself into a corner. The name is "zetaweb." The concept is "managing the organic growth of your website with cms and other nick knacks." The image is a zeta growing out of a bean. Lots of fun symbolism here: magic beans, a website is aliving creature, web-kudzu or crabgrass, etc. But I'm having trouble answering this question:

Why zetaweb?
What does that have to do with organic website management?


Though I guess Flipdog nor Monster is really a good name for a job-hunting company, I still feel we should bring the whole concept together...some how. So - though the logo is ready for Draft 2.x, I'm without a zippy catch phrase. If I don't find one quickly, the logo may be doomed, and I may be back at the drawing board.

I'm currently only working in black and white, I hope to bring in the color later on, then to follow with a mailer and revamping the website. Eventually all of this will get dumped into a style guide, but that can wait.

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