design with a side of dialogue
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Project: Cross Logo
Patron: trinity
Medium: illustrator 10
Status: draft 1.5
Deadline: March 03

Did a good amount of work for zetaweb this week, including 6 hours of drawing crosses in illustrator. At about 4, I finally figured out how to do what I wanted to do. A lot of the designer's block was directly related to me refusing to let go of work I had already completed. (and which teh client had already approved) That plus my unwillingness to step outside the computer for an hour or so and draw out the solution made it a very long day. I guess we are what we torture.

Part of it was a new working environment, but most of it was my love of machines. I just can't get over how gadgety design is these days. The designers get all the cool toys. Now that I think about it, there is also the fear of the block itself. Not being able to think. Not being able to draw. I guess I put a lot of pressure on myself to resolve whatever is in front of me. It may or may not be a graceful solution, but it will work. (God, so much of computer coding has rubbed off on me!)

I know that design can be a more interactive experience -- I've been in situations where you are able to have friendly brainstorming. I value that type of environment.

What it came down to was that I needed to have a better understanding of perspective and physics. Fortunately, I was sitting next to a physics prof (no joke) who help to straighten me out on finding the center of gravity of the illustration. I didn't have the circle on the same plan as the cross and that was what was giving it an off kilter feeling. Hopefully it won't take too long on monday to resolve anything.

Patron: trinity
Medium: illustrator 10
Status: Final
Deadline: completed

Not much to say about this one -- only it took 4 hours to complete what we all expected it too look like. All I was really doing was cleaning up the tracking and leading of the workmark. I think created outlines of the text and sent it off to be approved. I'm not totally sure the client is going to know what to do with it - but at least I can cross something off my zeta-list. :)

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