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Project: Logo/Corp ID
Patron: zetaweb
Medium: illustrator 10, graphite
Status: Draft 3.0
Deadline: March 24, 2003

So I finally have a date on when this project should be wrapped up. We are looking to have business cards and a cleaned up website for pycon which is at the end of this month. CW had a very useful critque of it when I showed it to him. Main points of interest were:

"The right half feels stronger than the left half...The left feels to me like it needs some punch...I like the idea that our bean is in the ground, and it is sprouting up. The twist is that we are looking at it rotated 90 degrees. So your eye first goes to the bean, and then follows up the sprout, until you break out into the sunshine. You don't realize you've been in the ground until you get to the end."

I personally find this a very exciting logo -- though one in need of polish. I like his ideas of playing around with where and when to break the color plane. I plan to investigate this more next. Once that is done, and we go through one more round of polishing critique, then I plan to decide on teh colors and start designing an over all layout template. Then its just a matter of applying the template to a standard corp id kit. Can't wait to get back to this one.

Project: TEEM Summer 2003 brocure
Patron: Trinity
Medium: Quark XPress 5.0
Status: Draft 1.0
Deadline: March 8, 2003

This one was sort of a last minute project - I found out about it last Tuesday but didn't get to working on it until really this sat. The over all planning arch is to redesign the TEEM print presence. I did not have time to do that in this iteration, so for now I'm basically updating the text to reflect the new events. With that being said, I find that I can't help but tighten the text here and there, adding more room for the margins for instance, and rearranging some of the format. My only concern is that due to some scheduling conflicts it is highly likely that the next time I will have time to work on this it will be Friday, the day it is due to go to the printers. Is that a hard deadline? I personally think it can go to the printers on Monday if need be. I'm still keeping it as a semisoft deadline just to get it done.

Once this portion is complete, I will turn my attention to a more refining design. As a tacked on (yet very important) part of this project, I also am creating a registration form that will be sent out to particpants or downloaded from the website. Since this is not as design intensive (and because I have no time) I'm hoping I can just give this to them Monday afternoon. It shouldn't take much more than that to complete it.

This project also broched the possible conflict of interest that has been latent in my work for Trinity and Zetaweb. I think its resolved for the moment, but we eventually need to get a better solution than handshakes and verbal agreements.

Project: Insert
Patron: UEC Labs
Medium: Illustrator 10
Status: Quotes
Deadline: March 03

Finally got approval for this project and have now gotten a couple of quotes back from the printers. I hope to be wrapping this up sometime this week.

Project: Minute Masthead
Patron: UEC Technologies
Medium: Illustrator 10
Status: Draft 2.0
Deadline: March 03

I did get to work on this one a little bit more this week. I've gotten about 3 variations together for review. I plan to polish them up a little bit more next week and get them in to MS. I've put off my work for UEC too much -- especially in light of how everything else is going at uss.

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