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Project: June Term Brochure 03
Patron: Trinity
Medium: QuarkXpress 5.0
Status: Draft 2
Deadline: ASAP

So, this project seems to be bogging down more than I like. It seems to be taking a really long while to get the edits done. I'm not really sure how we ever came up with the deadline of Friday last week. The text has just really settled yesterday. With that being said, I've worked out some of the earlier kinks of draft 1.0 and I'm now smoothing out the wrinkles in a draft 2. Colors have been approved (plum and yellow) as well as the basic layout. The design itself is very straightforward - 2 pantone inks and black, 8.5x11 mailer (that folds in half). The cover work is being done by a graphics person, so all I have to worry about is tracking, leading, and bleeds. It's really an extension of the type-setter's work. I still feel I'm very behind in this project, but it can't be helped.

The problem I think is going to be contacting printers. I just don't have that much time for follow through. It's likely this project is going to stall out if it isn't completely handed off by the end of today.

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