It occured to me today that it wouldn't be a bad idea to reflect on the work I've done periodically. Taking from my office management days, I figured I could do this quarterly. Over the next week I'm going to work on answering these questions.
- What type of work have you been doing the most of?
Glancing over my journal entries, I think you could say:
5 - printed materials, non advertisment related, 3 of which were informational documents for either in or outside of the organization. The other 2 were mailers.
4 - logo/wordmarks, half of these were actual corp id development, the other half were grandfathered logos for already developed corp ids.
So this quarter seemed to be about identity and information.
- Who are your patrons?
34% UEC
27% Tesm
17% USS
13% Zeta
9% sans patron, or misc projects
At least, based on my journal entries. To further explore this lets define them:
UEC - ($$) Subsidiary of uss, I get paid through uss, not directly from UEC. They are a traditional company that is extending into the it field and so they are really one of those line riders between technology and industry. I was put in contact with them just by doing my job at uss.
TESM - ($$$) Seminary. I get paid as an employee directly, though I work more as a consultant. They are a traditional academic organization, so there is some interest in becoming digital, but they still heavily rely on paper to get the job done. I was put in contact with them through guru, though passively. (they came to him)
USS ($$) - Huge giant of industry. This company is an even older line rider - made this way strictly by its age. It has spanned more areas of functionality than I can count. So yes, they use technology, but also yes, they still rely on printing. I was put in contact with them through a teacher of mine at AIP, who is currently a coworker.
Zetaweb ($$$) - Small web design company. They are exploring what it would mean to be a print/web ogranization, but has its roots in the web. In some respects they want to plan for the future, in some respects they are just getting through today. Mainly my work has been helping to define zetaweb, and less on any web work. I was put in contact with them through guru, as they maintain tesm's website.
Some obvious statements that can be made based on these patrions:
I am almost strictly a print designer.
I work for medium to large companies.
My network of contacts is still very small.
My time is often fractured.
- What program have you been working in the most?
Illustrator 10, Photoshop 6/7, with a smaller amount of time spent in QuarkXPress 5.0, and a brief run in with Pagemaker 7.0. I also got my first impression of InDesign 2.0 this quarter, which I highly approve of.
I also split my time between XP and OS 9. Though I did some computer administration in OSX.
- What projects/aspects have you enjoyed?
- What projects/aspects have you not enjoyed?
- What have you learned you were wrong about?
- What have you done to correct it?
- What is your goal for the next quarter?
- What is your career of choice? (and the moment)
- Name 3 things your work environment should have.
- What was the hardest thing you had to do this quarter?