design with a side of dialogue
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Project: Logo
Patron: Zetaweb
Medium: Illustrator 10
Status: Almost Final, probably one more critque
Deadline: passed

Just a quick (and unfortunately very small) example of how the zeta logo is coming along. I keep hoping to get more examples up here and over here, but so far only Zeta has not been completely paranoid about transfering data electronically. This logo is so close to being done. I'm not wholely sure it reads well small, but its definately got more of an edge to it then the last couple of them. You can just see the flash intro screen now...

Project: June Term 2003
Patron: Trinity
Medium: QuarkXPress 5.0
Status: Completed
Deadline: passed

I just found out that the June Term 2003 is actually available online in pdf form (for now anyway). I think it turned out alright, considering I didn't have much a)time or b) leeway.

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