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Project: Logos
Patron: UEC
Medium: Illustrator 10
Status: Say 4th draft
Deadline: May 31st

So, 1 logo is going back to the drawing board, the other is possibly already in use. They keep going with the logos that are really more wordmarks, but using them as logos.

Project: Brochure insert
Patron: UEC Labs
Medium: Illustrator 10
Status: Final
Deadline: Next Week

So, this was kind of a flash from the past. I put this project to bed in March. Yesterday MS asked me to resurrect it for next week. What was funny (and a bit telling) is that the design she asked me to redo was not actually the latest verison but an earlier one. I have no problem with this, but I think it should be noted that we had been painting ourselves into a corner, design-wise. I think we came up with a much stronger design. Based on it, we could easily do a whole line of identity work for UEC Technologies. I'm just hoping they don't need one by the end of May because i'm kind of booked solid.

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