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Project: Interterm brochure for Aug 03
Patron: TESM
Medium: QuarkXPress 5.0
Status: Final
Deadline: passed

Had a few minor text changes on this one today, but basically its has maintained its design integrity through this last bout of editing. Unfortunately, I don't think it will be printed in time to be included in my portfolio. I think I could probably improve on the design and organization of the brochure, especially now that I understand how it is printed/used, but I really hate to change things and then leave. I see so many opportunities at trinity to consolidate their corp id, but... well, is that really what they need now?

Project: Website Layout
Medium: Illustrator 10
Status: Draft 1.0
Deadline: indefinate - immediate

Since zetadev now seems to be open for visitors, I can show you more of what I've been working on for them. The most recent project came shortly after the business card was approved -- right on its coattails actually. It is likely to change from my first ideas, due to some navigation issues, but I think it was pretty good for three hours of work. I hope to be wrapping up the letter head and style guide next, though again, I might not be in time for the portfolio review.

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