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art and textiles
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Project: Uganda Study Program Website
Patron: Zeta
Medium: Photoshop 6.0
Status: Drafts, sketches thumbnails, etc.
Deadline: August 14th

I finally have work again! Yay! I got to help out on this project over the last few days and have really had a good time with it. Since the program is starting up this year, we really didn't have many photos of students on campus. So I am developing a textile/art theme for the site. I think my sketches (above) are becoming very tasty, but I'm not sure if they will even be used at this point. For one, the site has already been viewed by the client, don't want to make too many changes before the launch. Secondly, I'm not sure textiles and art should be the "main focus" of an academic summer overseas program. Maybe. But they are pretty anyway. *shiney* Color may also be an issue, since *a lot* of these are not websafe. But it was a lot of fun to work on.

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