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catalog on the brain
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Project: catalog
Patron: tesm
Medium: quarkxpress 5.0
Status: draft 3.2
Deadline: 8/15/03 or earlier

In the last throws of the catalog now. I know I've worked on this too long now since I caught myself refering to the passenger seat in my car as "the passenger page." There have been a number of unfortunate issues that have delayed the catalog for about 2 weeks, so we are really pushing the distribution envelope. Blah. Note to self: start catalog in Jan next year!

Pushing through the delays, we are almost done with the text changes. I'm at a point where I've applied the page format changes, and I'm now in the middle of re-formating tables. (about 10 tables in all) The main change was to the degree requirements.

To add to the hilarity, I changed the section/chapter structure into what I think is a more intuitive progression of topics. Possibly even logical if I'm lucky. They go something like this:

  1. General Information
    • Our Faith and Covenant (Mission Statement)
    • Our Life Together (History, Location, facilities, etc.)
  2. Academic Information
    • The Admission Process (how to take classes at our school)
    • Residential Life (taking classes on campus, living arrangments, local student services, etc.)
    • Extension Sites (other ways to take classes from our school such as offsite or online)
  3. Degree Programs
    • Doctorate Level Program (there is only the one and it is basically its own entity)
      1. Info
      2. Financial
      3. Degree
      4. Course Descriptions
    • Graduate Degrees and Other Programs (all of these are basically subject to the same rules )
      1. Info
      2. Financial
      3. Degrees
        • MDiv
        • MAR
        • MAME
        • Diplomas & Certificates
      4. Course Descriptions
  4. Administrative Information (credits and misc.)
    • Faculty
    • Staff
    • Adjunct Faculty
    • Board of Trustees
    • Academic Calendar
    • School Profile

It kind of makes sense. (?) After 5 hours of it, it looks like gibberish now. It also kind of wrecks the nice page design I put together -- I didn't design to have a three tiered structure, i designed for 2 levels -- but I'm blazing ahead anyway. Hoping it will all come right in the end.

Once THAT is complete, I will proof the text for "really strange things" and then print it out tomorrow afternoon to "turn in" an offical draft 3.0. Then I need to come up with bible verses for most of these sections. All before I fly out of the state next weekend.

Project: newsletter
Patron: Diocese of Pittsburgh
Medium: quarkxpress
Status: brainstorming
Deadline: 9/12/03

This is kind of an interesting project. Basically I've been tasked to redesign the current Trinity newsletter for the rest of the year. (barring any complications, such as they don't like how I do the first one) There is also a good chance that if this agreement works out, that it could extend into the new year.

This seems to have sped up the need for me to become self employeed, as well as the completion of our home office space so I have some place to design the thing in. I hope to sit down tonight and work out if I've overcommited myself or if I'm just very clever.

Usually its the latter.

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