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Project: zeta corp id and such
Patron: zeta
Medium: quark xpress 6.0 + illustrator 10
Status: Final
Deadline: Nov 15

So i've been working on the corp id for about a week now and I think logo has solidifed nicely, and the business card is solid, I'm just getting stuck on the letterhead now. And I think I've figured a way out of the corner I've painted myself into, at least theoretically. I don't know. It's a lot of theory. What I've found is the current form of the logo is just awkward on the letter head. No other way to put it. I've stayed with the green and black to make things faster, but I'm starting to feel the pressure to finish. Money as they say is not growing on trees. Must get back to billable projects.

Project: brochure
Patron: zeta
Medium: mix
Status: draft 1.0
Deadline: 11/15

This is my first colaboration with the other designer and its been very good and flexible so far - though I feel at least today we were both getting to the point were we are getting into each other's way -- jogging the creative elbow so to speak. We've split the job so I'm doing the quark work (layout) and he is doing the photoshop work. (images) I think its becoming a design by committee piece. I don't know, maybe I should just let him do it and back off. Or maybe even take it draft by draft - I do one, he does one. I'm not sure how to proceed.

The piece itself is a 8.5x11 mailer that we will hopefully be printing locally on our in house laser printer. So far no luck on setting up the full-bleed option on said printer. So I might be breaking out the xacto knife and ruler. Either that or we will be investing in a paper cutter. Yep, Its all about the arts and crafts.

Project: Trinity December
Patron: DOP
Medium: QuarkXPress 6.0
Status: prep
Deadline: 12/12/03

Just set up the thumbnail view today and went over the page list. Looks pretty straight forward -- though I'd like to hammer more of it out earlier this time instead of waiting on text and such. Since I experemented with spill pages more last time, I think I can set up those at this stage without knowning the exact column length. Anything to wrap this project earlier enough to let me really proof it the way I want to. There is atleast one major problem with the last issue. (unfortunately on the front cover) It just goes to prove that I need more time at the end. No more going out of town for this designer.
I did get to see how Quark 6.0 (MAC) would deal with Quark 5.0 (PC) files. Boy it was it almost ugly. Actually the straight conversion went pretty well, but they've changed retarded things in Quark6 that a)were fine and b) now breaks old versions of the effect. It's just silly. There were a few other things different (something happen with the fonts making the stories run over) but over all it converted fine.

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