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Project: web brochure
Patron: zeta (in house)
Medium: Quarkxpress 6.0 + Illustrator 10 + Photoshop 7
Status: Draft 2.0
Deadline: Today

Well I don't think we are going to make today as a deadline - or well we will meet it, but it won't be the most refined piece of work I've ever worked on. Though I have to say it looks tons better than the last "design-by-committee" piece I worked on. This has been a great interactive process and I hope to learn from it to repeat what when right. I mean, we were able to "trade" jobs yesterday and add to the development of the piece more effectively. It was cool. The biggest problem is one of ownership. It's easy to just keep passing the piece back and forth and never actually pass any mile markers. But as long as you keep an eye out for that - this is a great way of taking the design further.

As it stands we are having font and color issues, but layout of the cover is complete (including art work) and the inside layout should gell today. I'm just now starting to grasp what we are doing with the graph inside - and I think that limitation of understanding has limited my thinking on layout. Must get out side the box on that one.

Printing is also starting to be an issue. Do we print it in house or outsource it? We have a large format printer that in theory does no margin printing - but I've as yet to see it. I fear it might only do 4x6 borderless printing - which doesn't help anything when you've got an 8.5x11" document. At which point I plan to curse the manufacturers.

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