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Project: T-12.03
Patron: DOP
Medium: QuarkXPress 6.0
Status: Prep
Deadline: 12/05/03 or so
I hope to dedicate most of tomorrow to this one but today I managed to upload files for my editor to a new ftp server interface I asked Z to set up. It's rough, but it works. Kind of slow too... We'll see if it is worth the extra hassle if it helps to keep order amongst the files. Not that I'm too worried about it. I rarely do major type treatment until we are well into the project just for this reason. About the only other thing I've done is talked through the mini-comp and began deleting old issue related content from the last template. That's it. So as I said, more tomorrow.

Project: CFP mailer
Patron: TESM
Medium: Quark Xpress 5.0
Status: Draft 1.0 revisions
Deadline: 12/12/03

Finally began to move on this project too. I think this will offically be my first trinity/zeta piece which was not grandfathered in when I came to work there. It has been a mild circus of confusion on the side of the nonprofits but we are slowly seeing our way through th storm. Thanks to some finacial help from unexpected quarters, I think we are going to be able to see out this storm of querkiness. Basically I set this file up way the heck back in June but due to a bunch of delays, re-thinking, and general bad timing, it has been put on the back burner for probably too long. So I'm redesigning it with some of the new direction in mind but trying not to re-invent the wheel.

Project: business cards
Patron: zeta d&d
Medium: Illustrator 10
Status: Final
Deadline: next wednesday
Got the illustrator file off to the printers this afternoon. Hopefully she was able to open it. We are using a "middle road" printer - a step above kinko's; a step below a regular printer. We are planning on splitting a 1000 cards 5 ways instead of getting sets of 1000 and 500 each. Frankly, we just don't have the money. I've set up the cards so they do not have any bleeds and a new design. (making it simpler) Since we are only getting a few done (there are 10 on a sheet) we can always make adjustments as needed. Almost done with the corp id.

Project: brochure
Patron: zeta d&d
Medium: quark xpress, photoshop, illustrator
Status: draft 3.0
Deadline: next wednesday

Boy- this has been similar to the logo development only not as painful. (or drawn out) In a lot of ways, I think we are just going to have to settle for "good enough" to get this to the printer tomorrow or Wednesday. The front is beautiful - I blame the other designer, he did a great job on my rough layout ideas.

The inside is some kind of information soup. I realized tonight on the way home that I really design the space around the content -- which is the exact opposite way the writer works on this project. So we are both trying to tailor things around work that is tailored around what we are doing. Ack Ack Ack. Now that I realize this I'll just try and lay down the permeters, but I'm just having trouble grasping what we are trying to do anymore. And this is no tikme to be changing gears on this. Anyway, pray for me. I'm going to need it.

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