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big pond
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Project: edp newsletter
Patron: EDP
Medium: quarkxpress 6.0
Status: draft 2.0
Deadline: 2/21/04 ish

This has been a surprisingly low stress issue. I've finished all the text edits that have been submitted so far, and I'm about halfway through the magazine looking for structural flaws. I know I have 3 page spreads in the back that will change. But then, basically that's it.

Usually at this point I'm tackling "the big hairball" problem that I've been putting off, trying to gain an advantage on it. I'd say the news section was the closest thing to that. I think it helped that I've got some structure underneath the design - standard graphic elements. I threw page grids out this window this issue and just put pages together as I felt they should be, then went back and either created a grid from the chaos or shimmied the elements around so they fit into order. I tried to respect the white space, though in the more completed versions, this wasn't as as easy to maintain as before.

I still think I could do better. I feel I could really improve it if I could just get a few more publications to based on what direction we want to take it in. I happily got a big complement from my editor this week. She has mentioned entering these into local /national competitions which I'm all for if I can figure out where and what these would be.

At the moment I feel very much like a big fish in a little pond. I wonder how to make the transition to the big pond.

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