design with a side of dialogue
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Project: T-02.04
Patron: EDP
Medium: Quark XPress 6.0
Status: Draft A
Deadline: 2/20.04 ish

For the first time in many issues, I feel that I've had time to explore some layout ideas. I actually feel like there is a theme element to the graphic elements. Since we had some extra time on the front of this schedule, I tried to not hold back and really explore in detail some page expression. I think the best example of this style is in this page:

Which doesn't yet have a story. One of the magazines I've been using as a guide has been doing really interesting almost metallic bronze ink with it's pull lines. I think I almost like this article better for having the gray type for the main body. The typography on the guide seems to be haphazard - breaks the grid. I'm not sure if I should do that yey, but it's good to try and think nonlinear about writing. The guide also is very purist about not blending type with photos and vice versa. I wonder if it comes out of the minimualist perspective. (or lack there of as it were) Obviously I'm not being that strict about it, but I am working to set off photos differently then just a border or a box.

The example above isn't actually that good - the font didn't transfer well with the pdf I made throwing off a lot of the typography but essentially you can see the photo treatment. When I look at it, I'm beginning to get the feel of something more contemporary then what we have been doing before. As a wise co-worker stated - first build it, then make it good, then make it fast. Pretty much the same thing here. It's been easier since we have gone to a bimonthly issues.

I'm going to try and be more proactive about using my website and this journal as companion sites. I spent the better part of last week updating my portfolio (cheating a bit and using an html editor) and resume. I slowly realized that I want to show how my pieces work with each other within a set. The TEEM stuff is a great exmample. I really want a client to see how I can make elements work together to give an over all presence and give that presense a stance, if that makes sense. That is really what I'm working at.

It was also great to have enough work to pick and choose over. I was finally able to move the student work off to its own section, though some of it I find more interesting then some of my "bread and butter" items. Hopefully sometime around March I can start working on some non-electronic art, even if its just for fun. It's all slowly coming together, like a sauce thickening.

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