design with a side of dialogue
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new year; new job
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So in case you are not following my other journal, I've recently moved west and am working now at a small print shop on the east side of Denver. It is ironic to be on the other side of the negotiating table, no longer the designer trying to meet some arbitrary standards. I'm now one of the people who set the standards. Hell, I sit next to the printer, it is my new best friend. :)

I am designing some, but the majority of my work is now production. Which is actually soothing in its own way. Sort of like busy work. Dusting. It's the epitamy of not arguing with the client, without the hassle. I'm happy that I was led to this place.

The designing I'm doing is mostly greeting cards and advertisment. I have only done 2 or 3 series so far, but hope to do more. There will hopefully be other freelancers who will also be able to take advantage of the conmission thing going on.

I'm toying with the idea of installing all my design software onto my laptop. I think it could handle the basics. My problem is I've got a crappy monitor right now. Makes it hard to design on. But I also don't have much cash, at least right now. So this might be the answer.

Other than that have a happy new year!

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