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train wreck of projects
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or Yay June!

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May has been fairly slow - a lot more sales work then normal.

June looks like a train wreck of projects all hitting about the same time. I can pretty much throw out my "projected projects" list for the month; tesm came in less hours then I expected, SSP took me by surpise. EDP is just going to get whatever I've got left. And small little grace has a consistant current in the wire - never too much but always in need. Lot to get done in 30 days.

Frankly, I'm glad to have so much work. Though I find it makes it hard to figure out a lot of things. Like:
what is my work ethic? 0-60 in 60 seconds? All or nothing? Am I being compensated for all of my work? Am I getting paid more then I should for what I'm doing?

I just want things to be fair, and I fairly want to be able to disappear in Oct, leaving no loose ends or hard feelings. Because we have a great company who is Christ-centered, I'm not so worried about that last part,but it makes it that much more important to me to be a good steward of time, talent and money.

The only downside of so much work is my portfolio revision has slipped through the cracks. It starts with a bit of research on my part. Unfortunately that is research into my badly kept art files, currently stacked in various piles throughout the house. Ack. :P

Project: SSP
Medium: illustrator 10
Status: draft 1 to web guys
Deadline: May 31st

SSP was a surprise when I was asked to work on it, but has really been a great experience. It has illustrated how the group can work together in tandem and come up with some fabulous results. Its not exactly "going extreme" in nature -- I'm still over in my corner designing away without anyone looking over my shoulder (mostly) -- but the project has involved much more feedback and openness to change then our previous joint projects between design and technology. Whatever happens with this project, it has really been a good group creative experience.

I think what has made it successful has been clear definition of roles and reliquishing authority at appropriate times. For example, while it was in the design phase, I made what I wanted and creatively interpreted the clients needs. But i always understood that what I was creating was only a suggestion to the web design team. In the end, they would need to bring the visuals together with the technology.

Project: catalog!
Patron: trinity
Medium: quark xpress 6.1
Status: bid
Deadline: July 1st

Our old friend the catalog! Back to excit and distract! Always more to do; Never enough time to do it in! Hurray for policy by committee! The good news is they are really happy with the design, so it will not be half so intensive as it was last year. They tell me there will not be quite so many policy changes, but as a sceptic I will continue to wait for the other shoe to drop.

So spec will not change too much, but I will be making mostly text edits and contacting printers. Pretty no-brainer stuff, which I'm very proud to say is finally the case about the catalog. It's nice to see this project turn into something that is easy to revise.

Project: T0604
Patron: EDP
Medium: QuarkXpress 6.1
Status: draft 1 in process
Deadline: mid June 2004

So this will be the first mag under new management. So far I've been pretty happy with the way things have shaken out - pages are where they should be; photos are organized, etc.This is the first time I will change creative partners on a project. Because of this, I think the rule of thumb is going to be "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" at least for this issue. Creatively speaking, it's a big game of Marco Polo. Either that or Battleship. ;)

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