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Backyard Ruminations
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This morning at 0-dark-hundred it was a delightfully cool 65 degrees, the air was fresh and still and the raucous parrot next door was still asleep.

The tomatoes are now a sight to behold. The poor Early Girls are yellowing in the unremitting heat even though they get watered regularly, but the Champions and San Diegos are fairly bursting with bloom and fruit. The Champions are over 5 feet tall and loaded with green globes, large and small.

No sightings of actual tomato worms yet, though a few leaves have been stripped. I keep examining each stem carefully, but they are hard to find.

I also planted what was touted as a "patio" tomato in a large side planter, just to see what would happen. It's about 18 inches tall and has a few sets plus two actual green tomatoes. I have the feeling it's not crazy about all the direct sunlight and heat, but it's not dying, either, so I'll leave it in its present location for this year.

The cats are geniuses (geniusi?) at finding the coolest spots during the hottest parts of the day. I walked into the darkened bathroom yesterday to wash my hands and spooked a cat with the running water. I don't know who was more startled, she or I.

Jasmine just pants and pants. I imagine she'd like to go chase the water coming out of the hose, but I have to go to work now. Have a great day, y'all!

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