rhubarb 2410465 Curiosities served |
2006-12-09 3:02 AM Nine Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (3) Nine is 3 squared.
I grew up thinking our solar system had 9 planets. Now, who knows? How many Supreme Court judges are there? Human gestation period is 9 months, more or less. Some babies are just in a hurry; some babies take their time. And some mothers can’t count. Dante Alighieri wrote The Divine Comedy, in which there are nine levels of hell and nine circles of heaven. Hell sounds so much more interesting, but stressful. Stress is hell. A nine-pointed star symbolizes the Baha’i faith and is a metaphor for completeness. Stanines are a scale used in educational assessment, though originally used by the military, I believe. Mean of 5 and a standard deviation of 2. Nine is strongly associated with the Chinese dragon, a symbol of magic and power. A “nine” is a slang word for a 9 mm handgun. Nine is the highest single digit. Cat o’ Nine Tails was the bane of the seaman’s existence. It is said cats have 9 lives. Being dressed to the nines is all dressed up in your Sunday best (or Saturday night finest). Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac. Sagittarius is optimistic, adventurous, philosophical, outspoken, wise. Or not.
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