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2009-11-18 7:56 AM Exigent Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (2) Whatever this is that's going around, it's nasty. I just had an employee (A) practically faint on me. I sent her into the restroom where there's a cot she can lie down on and an afghan to cover her, to rest for a bit.
I'll check on her in 10 minutes or so. I asked her if she wanted to go home--she said she couldn't drive, feeling the way she does--or did she want me to call 911? She said no, just let me lay down and check on me. That's the way I have felt the last four days. Whatever it is, it's like a ton of bricks under which you are suffocating, squashed like a bug. It all started with S. Now J has had it all week, C just came back to work, M is the walking wounded, sniffling and sneezing. And I've been under the weather, too. An exigent situation: calling all nurses. We could make a ward out of our office. Set up shop, right here. By the way, I'm feeling somewhat better this morning. Hope the worst is over. Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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