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The Greatest Aphrodisiac
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Intelligence is the greatest aphrodisiac, so it has been said by various pundits. I definitely concur.

Went to my cardiologist this morning for a routine six-month appointment. (He says I'm in good health).

He positively glows with intelligence, and not just about medical stuff. We find ourselves talking about all kinds of topics, rapid fire. Part of the charm is that each of us can take it in, process it, and respond as fast as the other, switching topics on a dime. It's sheer enjoyment, talking to him, and for once, not having to wait for someone to catch up.

Today's last extra topic was about the ways various cultures have acknowledged the importance of this time of year, when the shortest day comes and the wheel of the seasons turns once again.

Egad, he's sexy. So what if he's homely? Who cares? He has a brilliant mind and a great sense of humor. And above all, is an excellent doctor.

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