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Default Morning Routine
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7:00 - I wake up to the harp alarm on my iPhone, with a message that reads, "Begin the day with a simple breath". I try. I do my stretches, piriformis, psoas, QL, external obliques.

7:20 - I mosey downstairs to the staff kitchen to make breakfast. These days, that means maple yogurt with molasses and cereal bits (I prefer Grape Nuts or Wheetabix), tea or coffee, and a muffin or some steel-cut oatmeal. I read whatever newspaper has been left on the table; sometimes it's the Seattle Post-Intelligencer (fondly nicknamed the "P-I", and the righter-leaning paper in town, so what it's doing in the hippie kitchen, I don't know), and sometimes it's the Onion. Do my dishes, shoulder my backpack and computer bag, and I'm off for the office.

8:00 - I drink my tea while sitting in front of the historic Doe Bay building, a former post office (much like the one I live in on Vashon). From the blue bench out front, I can get the best wi-fi reception, three or four bars out of four. Woot. I begin downloading another episode of Weeds, Season Three, and then open various windows to check on my world: journal, Gmail, myspace, and Yahoo IM. This morning I had to pick up garbage that the raccoons had scattered. It seems someone brought their cabin garbage to the porch, not realizing that raccoons love to lick the plastic Turkey Jerky wrappers and juice bottle lids. I got some gloves from the kitchen and picked it all up. There was even an über-delicioso diaper. Yum.

9:00 - The office opens and I check the massage book to see what my day will be like. Today is the first day of full bookings that I have. (Yesterday I did two 90-minute massages with a half hour break in between, and when I lay down to sleep, my piriformis said, "Fuck you! Oh HELL no!" Stretches helped. I soaked in the tub, and pointed that jet right at my buttock. Ow. Ow. Ow. But I could move afterward.) I finish my downloads (or pause them if they're not done) and then go to the tubs.

9:45 - Out of the tubs and up to the massage room, which of course I have left ready the night before. I set up my laptop to play soothing massage-y music. I put on my massage clothes (stretch tank, yoga pants), stretch my body, and wait for the first guest to arrive.

And that's a typical morning. I guess I thought I'd be exercising in the AM, but no go. At least not until this hip decides to let go. I'll keep working on it.

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