me in the piazza

I'm a writer, publishing both as SJ Rozan and, with Carlos Dews, as Sam Cabot. (I'm Sam, he's Cabot.) Here you can find links to my almost-daily blog posts, including the Saturday haiku I've been doing for years. BUT the blog itself has moved to my website. If you go on over there you can subscribe and you'll never miss a post. (Miss a post! A scary thought!) Also, I'll be teaching a writing workshop in Italy this summer -- come join us!


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May 2013
Previous Month :: Next Month

01: Mayday! (1 comments)
05: Eighteenth Saturday, from Chinatown, one day late (0 comments)
05: A great Edgar week (3 comments)
06: Come to Assisi... (3 comments)
06: A short-short story set in Mongolia? Why, of course. (3 comments)
08: Have I mentioned how much I hate writing action scenes? (7 comments)
09: Finished the damn fight scene (7 comments)
10: Spring on the river (8 comments)
11: Nineteenth Saturday (0 comments)
11: A squeezebox of a different kind (3 comments)
13: Monday morning word count (10 comments)
14: Wondering why there hasn't been a Lydia Chin movie yet? (12 comments)
14: Hey, look! (2 comments)
14: The bike racks are coming, the bike racks are coming! (8 comments)
15: Squirrel family dynamics (5 comments)
15: Further to the bike racks (3 comments)
16: I just can't let it go, can I? (0 comments)
16: Why I should stick to writing and teaching writing, and quit giving advice (9 comments)
17: Video clip (4 comments)
17: Video clip redux (3 comments)
17: And speaking of (re)dux, I can tell you why we're not up to our necks in geese (2 comments)
17: Video clip final redux (0 comments)
18: Twentieth Saturday (0 comments)
18: Goose photo (1 comments)
23: Damn (5 comments)
24: Heading to the Rancho (3 comments)
24: BLOOD OF THE LAMB interview on Youtube, Part I of probably about a million (0 comments)
25: Twenty-first Saturday, from Rancho Obsesso (1 comments)
27: Memorial Day (3 comments)
30: Bird report (3 comments)
31: Different kind of Bird Bash (2 comments)
31: Oh, that Penguin (8 comments)
31: Look! Sam Cabot makes the LA Times summer reading list! (4 comments)

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