
the methods and means of procrastination

gender by numbers
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In my brain as a kid:

1 = masculine, young, straight forward.
2 = feminine, young, but smarter than 1. Thinks she's smarter then she actually is.
3 = feminine, middle child, some wierd sister foo with her sister 2. Some wierd brother foo going on with 4. She is conflicted most of the time.
4 = masculine, same age as 3, her companion, upright, nice guy.
5 = masucline, bit of a trouble-maker. Thinks hes more craftier than he is.
6 = feminine, knows 5's tricks and is on to his game. Looks up to the higher numbers, but is still honest, or pure. The very edge of adolesence.
7 = masculine, the "fool" of the higher numbers, should be given more credit - he's just quiet.
8= feminine, the bitch of the clain. Willful, bossy, takes advantage, especially of 7 who she uses as her lacky.
9 = feminine, tha actual matriarchal power behind the clain. She is the only one who can trump 8 into submission. Crafty. Diplomatic. Quiet yet deadly.
10/0 = masculine, the distant father figure, or leader male. impartial but loving of all of his breathren. lets 9 hand a lot of the day-to-day matters.

$5 bucks to anyone who can tell me the mythology this is based on. Remember - I "intuited" these interpretations somewhere between 3-5 yrs of age.

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